Historical Documents and Videos
Historical Documents
Historical Documents Lost in the Telling B Reactor Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) This 191-page document, written by the B Reactor Museum Association, is the official record of B Reactor construction [...]
1943 Memorandum
A fascinating and highly readable historical document, this Memorandum between the United States government and the DuPont company describes the scope of work involved in constructing the entire Hanford Engineer Works.
B Reactor 70th Anniversary Address
September 26, 2014 was a beautiful star-filled evening in which to celebrate the 70th anniversary of B Reactor’s start up. And that is exactly what the nearly 250 people did - CELEBRATE - the momentous anniversary of pulling the rods for B’s startup.
Hanford Reach
The Hanford Reach National Monument is a unique and biologically diverse landscape, encompassing an array of scientific and historic objects. This magnificent area contains an irreplaceable natural and historic legacy, preserved by unusual circumstances.
Fascinating Reading
Enjoy historical documents and special presentations by members of the B Reactor Museum Association.
Primary Reactions
The Three Primary Nuclear Reactions Inside B Reactor Hank Kosmata explains the three primary nuclear reactions inside B Reactor: Neutron Generation by Atomic Fission Chain Reaction - Neutron Generation Plutonium Production [...]
B Reactor 60th Anniversary Address
Keynote address by Richard Rhodes. "Many of you know the history of the Hanford Engineer Works well; some of you lived it. I know it as a historian. I researched it through mostly secondary sources to write about it, rather briefly, in my book The Making of the Atomic Bomb."